Catnip Honey
Pure Wildflower honey infused for over 6 months with fresh, wild ozark catnip, Nepeta Cataria
Catnip isn’t just for cats.
This powerful herb is an ages old remedy for stress, insomnia, nervous exhaustion and anxiety. Especially for children!
Though honey isn’t recommended for children under 1 year old. Catnip tea and herbal teas, such as chamomile, sweetened with Catnip honey can safely bring peace and calm into even the wildest of wide eyed angels.
Not just for kids! This mild flavored honey can bring peace and calm into even the most worn out of mamas (and papas too!). This sweet infusion brings about mild, but noticeable calm. An exhale after a long day. A meditation with your morning tea. Gentle, Upbeat yet recognizable. A favorite remedy of Ozark Grandmothers.
Contains: Raw Wildflower Honey and Pure Fresh Catnip leaf and flower, infused for over 6 months, no heat applied.