Eat your greens!
Collard Greens - I’m sorry I can’t tell you exactly what variety of collard this is. I’ve been growing it for so many years. I just call it my own.
An excellent addition to your fall and winter garden. This variety has a wonderful flavor and is a hearty grower.
The delicious blue-green leaves of this collard are slow to bolt and full of antioxidants. An old Southern favorite, they get even sweeter after a frost. The 10" to 18" leaves form on plants that can get up to three feet tall. They are ready to eat in 80 days.
Collard, sometimes known as wild or non-heading cabbage, probably originated in Asia Minor and the Mediterranean region. Europe eventually became familiar with this vegetable, though historians disagree as to whether it was introduced there by the Romans or the Celts. Collard became a valuable part of the traditional cuisine of the American South through the slave trade, when the slaves began preparing this inexpensive vegetable with scraps of meat for flavoring. This unique vegetable has become a unique symbol of Southern culture and tradition.
25 or more seeds per pack