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Icelandic Poppy (Sunshine Yellows)
Icelandic Poppy (Sunshine Yellows)
Icelandic Poppy (Sunshine Yellows)

Icelandic Poppy (Sunshine Yellows)

Regular price $5.00 Sale

Cheerful and Sunny, Papaver Naudicaule bring sunshine and personality to any spring garden. These bright yellow Icelandic poppies thrive in cooler temperatures and can be the earliest blooms  in your spring garden. Very attractive to bees and butterflies. Easily re-seeds to become a welcome perennial in your garden.

*though seed pods are only collected from yellow flowers, because these are open pollinated, it’s possible to get a few hybrids in the mix. 

Large 1000+ count seed packs ensure lots and lots of sunny yellow blooms.