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Mademoiselle Ninon’s French Beauty Bath Salts
Mademoiselle Ninon’s French Beauty Bath Salts
Mademoiselle Ninon’s French Beauty Bath Salts
Mademoiselle Ninon’s French Beauty Bath Salts
Mademoiselle Ninon’s French Beauty Bath Salts
Mademoiselle Ninon’s French Beauty Bath Salts
Mademoiselle Ninon’s French Beauty Bath Salts
Mademoiselle Ninon’s French Beauty Bath Salts

Mademoiselle Ninon’s French Beauty Bath Salts

Regular price $20.00 Sale

    Longevity Secret of A French Beauty

Ninon De Lenelos was that famous beauty of the old French Court who retained her youthful charms to such a miraculous degree that one of her grandsons fell in love with her when she was seventy.

The circumstances were peculiar. He had never seen her before and everything ended most respectably when he found out who she was.

    French historians claim they have discovered the secret formula Ninon used to keep herself looking young. She took herb baths and this is how she concocted them:

Take a handful of dried Lavender flowers, a handful of Rosemary leaves, handful of dried Mint, handful of Comfrey roots, and one of Thyme. Mix all together loosely in a muslin bag. Place in your bath, pour on enough boiling water to cover and let soak 10 minutes. Then fill up the tub. Rest 15 minutes in the “magic water” - and think virtuous thoughts.” 


From - The Herbalist by Joseph E. Meyer (First Edition, 1918)