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Reishi Mushroom Tea
Reishi Mushroom Tea
Reishi Mushroom Tea
Reishi Mushroom Tea
Reishi Mushroom Tea
Reishi Mushroom Tea
Reishi Mushroom Tea
Reishi Mushroom Tea
Reishi Mushroom Tea
Reishi Mushroom Tea
Reishi Mushroom Tea
Reishi Mushroom Tea
Reishi Mushroom Tea
Reishi Mushroom Tea
Reishi Mushroom Tea
Reishi Mushroom Tea

Reishi Mushroom Tea

Regular price $0.00 $10.00 Sale

The healing power of Reishi Mushroom is truly remarkable. These glorious fungi have changed my life and I’m happy to share them with you. 

Reishi mushrooms are an amazing source of antioxidants. They can increase antioxidant activity in the liver and protect the blood from oxidants. Reishi can help improve blood flow and reduce the amount of oxygen used by the heart, which leaves more oxygen for the rest of the body.

While illnesses such as cancer and viral infections may require an increase in immune function, allergic reactions and autoimmune disease call for a down-regulation of the immune system. Reishi mushroom is a true “amphoteric” herb, which can up regulate or down regulate the immune system as needed.

Perfect for a trial run, these prefilled, premeasured and hand grated mushroom tea bags are the most convenient way to get your daily dose of Reishi and to get your immune system balanced and running smooth. 

These tea bags are filled with grated (not powdered) Reishi. Grated from a hand harvested and dried Reishi from this year’s harvest. Though they are dried, they are fresh. More fresh and potent than any other Reishi product you’ll find on the market. Because Fresh is always better! 

Lupus, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Multiple Scorosis, Hashimoto’s, Psoriasis, Leaky Gut Syndrome are just a few of the modern disorders that these mushrooms can help to heal, suppress and alleviate symptoms immediately. 

For best results, take 2 teaspoons per day for 10 days. 

Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma spp.):

Reishi mushroom has been called the “mushroom of immortality.” A member of the Polyporacaefamily, it is commonly found growing in a shelf-like form on decaying trees. Ancient Chinese medical texts list it as an immune regulator, with calming, pain relieving action, which “tonifies the blood”.In traditional Chinese medicine, the main function of blood is to nourish the body, moisten the body tissues and “anchor the mind”. If the blood is “deficient”, it cannot provide physiologically adequate nutrition, which manifests in generalized fatigue, paleness, dry skin, anxiety and mental restlessness. These symptoms are treated by “tonifying” the blood (i.e., by boosting the nutritive capacity of the blood).

While illnesses such as cancer and viral infections may require an increase in immune function, allergic reactions and autoimmune disease call for a down-regulation of the immune system. Reishi mushroom is a true “amphoteric” herb, which can up regulate or down regulate the immune system as needed. Reishi mushroom is rich in polysaccharides, immune-modulating proteins, and steroidal saponin glycosides that influence the adrenal-hypothalamic-pituitary axis feedback loop, which regulates inflammation. An amphoteric protein isolated from Ganoderma (called Ling Zhi-8) was shown to be both mutagenic (causing white blood cells to multiply) and immunosuppressive (reducing TNF-alpha and the formation of antibodies) in autoimmune disease. In another study, Ganoderma showed significant effects on modulating the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-18 after 24 weeks. This may exert a beneficial immune-modulatory effect in patients with RA. (