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Turkey Tail Mushrooms (Fresh)
Turkey Tail Mushrooms (Fresh)
Turkey Tail Mushrooms (Fresh)
Turkey Tail Mushrooms (Fresh)
Turkey Tail Mushrooms (Fresh)
Turkey Tail Mushrooms (Fresh)
Turkey Tail Mushrooms (Fresh)
Turkey Tail Mushrooms (Fresh)
Turkey Tail Mushrooms (Fresh)
Turkey Tail Mushrooms (Fresh)
Turkey Tail Mushrooms (Fresh)

Turkey Tail Mushrooms (Fresh)

Regular price $15.00 Sale

Absolutely FRESH harvested to order Turkey tail mushrooms. (Must be shipped dry or they will spoil in transit) 

Before the world of modern medicine—including pharmaceuticals, pills, surgeries, and more—all we had was the natural world to turn to for health and healing.

Over the centuries, this has made the general state of our health and wellness around the globe launch to a much better, higher level.

Today, however, we know that modern medicine has left some important priorities behind.

We know now too about the importance of nutrition, whole foods, and natural ingredients, botanicals, and antioxidants to supplement health on a holistic level.

But what may amaze people is to learn that our most powerful medicines actually originated from plants and fungi nature.

And one particularly spectacular mushroom of enormous focus for developing new medicines is the turkey tail mushroom.


Yes—it is surprising to learn that some of today’s most powerful medicines originated from humble fungi and plants.

Many of our best antibiotics are fungi, while plants are the prototypes of many mainstream pharmaceuticals and drugs.

And turkey tail, a shockingly common woodland mushroom, is today a huge target for developing new medicines among pharmaceutical companies.

There’s a lot that turkey tail is capable of doing for health. Researchers and scientists are intent on deriving each of these therapeutic components separately into new drugs.

But why not keep things as nature intended?

When left whole and intact, turkey tail mushroom may be one of the most powerful holistic supplements around.


Even more so than its fellow fungal contemporaries reishi, mistake or even chaga, turkey tail exhibits the widest spectrum of capabilities for improving wellness among any mushroom.

Like its fan-like multi-color turkey tail fruiting body, the list of benefits this mushroom contains is colorful and diverse.

To put them too simply, these include better immunity, less inflammation, resistance to infection, more energy, and lots more. Turkey tail could even be a supplement tonic to support all kinds of chronic diseases, too.

But in fairness to this stunning and beautiful fungus, we’ll take a look at each of its powers in a much sharper focus and lens.


At the deepest foundation of turkey tail’s health benefits is its antioxidant potential.

Studies show turkey tail’s protein-polysaccharides scavenge free radicals in the body, thereby slowing cellular oxidation and breakdown while fulfilling all the qualities of a powerful antioxidant.

This means less inflammation, less experience with chronic disease, and even healthier, more graceful aging. 

Free radical damage speeds up the body breaking down, weakening, or getting ill. But antioxidants, including those found in turkey tail, can slow this down.

This can also optimize mitochondria and stimulate autophagy. What’s more, its ability to curb inflammation lends it another prized benefit: being able to enhance and boost immunity.


When antioxidants help unburden the body from chronic inflammation, this means that the immune system is immediately enhanced and renewed.

Studies show that turkey tail’s antioxidants help to do just that.

Turkey tail helps stoke up the activity of potent immune fighters in the body that can keep pathogens at bay. It also has secondary effects of reducing run-ins with disease, low energy, and more.

Most importantly, this can be very supportive to immunity-related illnesses, such as HIV or AIDS.

Studies also show that turkey tail can help modulate immunity with autoimmune diseases , helping lower immunity when it becomes overactive and attacks the body.


Beyond immunity, turkey tail’s antioxidants have shown strong signs in research for being able to enhance the functions of the brain.

Studies show that, again, this is owed to the mushroom’s powerful polysaccharides.

One study showed that, when paired with gingko, turkey tail helped enhance memory. Even better, it did this in subjects that were experiencing Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Yet another demonstrated that its antioxidant benefits could help reverse or stop damage associated with Alzheimer’s.

In summary: with or without a neurological disorder, turkey tail can do a lot for mental function. It may help get rid of brain fog, improve memory, and more.


In addition to immunity and cognition-boosting, increasing energy levels can also be added to turkey tail’s stellar list of health properties.

On the one hand, turkey tail has been closely examined in research for its ability to help chronic fatigue, a complex health issue that depletes the body and mind of both energy and vitality.

Yet another study showed that the healing fungus has a marked effect on physical energy, such as when exercising.

As such, turkey tail’s energy-boosting effects are wide-ranging. They could even help boost athletic performance , which is a good catalyst for helping with exercise and weight management, plus more.


As it turns out, this colorful mushroom may be a protector of one of the body’s most important organs: the liver.

The liver is an important protector, purifier, and producer of important hormones, enzymes, and antibodies. As such, it’s also an integral key player in the immune system.

Protecting the liver means protecting immunity.

And studies show that its antioxidant polysaccharides do indeed do this. Keeping the liver healthy may be one of the strongest barricades against many illnesses, including the silent but deadly fatty liver disease , and even the worst impacts of a poor diet.

Plus, liver health is very important to detoxifying.