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Black Sage, Eucalyptus & Lavender Bath Salts
Black Sage, Eucalyptus & Lavender Bath Salts
Black Sage, Eucalyptus & Lavender Bath Salts
Black Sage, Eucalyptus & Lavender Bath Salts
Black Sage, Eucalyptus & Lavender Bath Salts
Black Sage, Eucalyptus & Lavender Bath Salts
Black Sage, Eucalyptus & Lavender Bath Salts

Black Sage, Eucalyptus & Lavender Bath Salts

Regular price $25.00 Sale

Black Sage, Eucalyptus and Lavender Herbal Bath Salts

One of my favorite ways to decongest and practice simple aromatherapy is to take a relaxing, aromatic eucalyptus and lavender mineral salt bath. The magnesium in mineral salt (Epsom) reduces inflammation and helps improve muscle and nerve functions, while the sulfates in Epsom help flush out toxins and improve the absorption of nutrients.

The combination of California black mountain sage, lavender and eucalyptus is both relaxing and invigorating. It’s great for this time of year when our bodies are still in winter hibernation mode but sense that spring is right around the corner. Not sure about you, but I’m far less active in the winter when the daylight is scarce and the temperatures are so low. An aromatic combination like lavender and eucalyptus helps stimulate your senses in a rejuvenating but gentle way, and helps bring your body out of its winter sluggishness. This herbal bath salt combination is also gentle and won’t irritate skin when used properly.

I chose fresh lavender and eucalyptus because they are wonderful for use as decongestants, yet also all-purpose herbs that are worth investing in and having around your house all year long.  Lavender is well known as the ultimate relaxer, and it’s true that it does put you at ease. It’s a wonderful nerve tonic, and it also has antiseptic and analgesic properties, meaning it is good for achy joints and muscle stiffness. Lavender is the quintessential spa scent. Eucalyptus is fantastic in a bath because the scent creates a cooling and refreshing effect. It is stimulating and helps alleviate mental exhaustion. With its head and sinus clearing properties plus its ability to bust up sluggishness, eucalyptus is often just what I need to revive myself. Black sage possesses a heavy pine and camphor scent. Cooling, refreshing, earthy and soothing to the respiratory system. 

No essential oils are added to our bath salts. The fragrance is produced by the essences of the fresh plant materials we hand harvested for all of our products. As with all of our offerings, the herbs in these bath salts are grown on our Northern Ozark Homestead.

But eucalyptus doesn’t grow in the Ozarks.... We know ... wink.
Our Eucalyptus is harvested from an organic  Southern California garden with thanks to our wonderful neighbor Miss Denice. Miss Denice was our next door neighbor when we still ran our business from our Southern California mini farm. We shared a giant eucalyptus tree with our neighbor. The tree grows on her property and she’s graciously agreed to harvest it as needed for us.

We use this relaxing and rejuvenating combination in our Cold & Flu Season Survival Kits too. 

Ingredients: Mineral Salt, Fresh Eucalyptus, Fresh Black Sage (Salvia Mellifera) Fresh Lavender, with just a touch of Fresh Rosemary